Semester 3

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This is where the fun begins.

As of typing, I’m in week 12 of week 16. This time it’s not about learning C++. It’s about using it to learn Computer Science Concepts. And also surviving Assembly Language as a side objective.
  • Graphviz will be a VERY powerful tool here, but pen and paper also works.

  • Revise Recursion. It’s the bread and butter of Binary Trees.

  • You’ve made it this far, don’t stop now. I’m proud of you, you can keep going.

Fortunately, even though the Semester Content for my university says that Discrete Structures is a CS Course, it doesn’t involve any actual programming…for now. So the Subject Count for this semester will just be two: DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms), and COAL (Computer Organization and Assembly Language). COAL is going to be a nightmare but it’ll be passed with enough practice.

As for the next semester, we’ll wait and see, since that supposedly has Operating Systems, Database Systems, and Design And Analysis Of Algorithms. That’s a lot of documentation.